icon How to Reconnect With Yourself for a More Meaningful Life - Oakwell Cosmetics
Mar 20, 2025 7 min read By: Polly Clover

How to Reconnect With Yourself for a More Meaningful Life

Woman outside meditating to reconnect with herself

Whether you’ve experienced trauma, are going through a breakup, or are simply on a healing journey, reconnecting with yourself is important. Below, we’ll discuss how to reconnect with yourself so you can find joy and live a more fulfilling life. Wellness professionals share helpful strategies, including self-reflection, aligned actions, mindfulness, and journaling.

Why have I lost connection with myself?

You may feel disconnected from yourself if you've been through a stressful or traumatic situation or are simply too busy to prioritize your own well-being.

Dr. Esmarilda Dankaert, a psychologist, believes that constant distractions, information overload, and external stimuli play a significant role in becoming disconnected from oneself. With so much outside noise, going within to connect with yourself can feel nearly impossible.

Research also shows that trauma and stress can also affect the brain in a way that leads to feeling disconnected. This is why you may feel like you don’t know yourself or that you’ll never feel “normal” again after a traumatic or very stressful experience.

How to Reconnect With Yourself: 11 Helpful Strategies

“Reconnection allows you to break free from limiting beliefs, redefine what success means for you, and move forward with clarity and confidence,” says Sheena Yap Chan, Founder, Author, & Podcast Host at The Tao Of Self Confidence. “It lets you come home to who you truly are – beyond societal expectations, self-doubt, and fear.”

If you’re feeling disconnected from yourself, it might seem like you’re living on autopilot. The following strategies can help you overcome this and reconnect with yourself.

1. Self reflect

A common reason people lose connection with themselves is because they are unaware of their thoughts, behaviors, and values. Self-reflection can help you become more aware of what's important to you and what a fulfilling life looks like.

Any practice that allows you to spend time with yourself, such as journaling, taking a bath, or meditating, is good for self-reflection.

During this dedicated self-reflection, ask yourself questions like “What brings me joy?” and “What do I truly want in life?” The more you practice self-reflection, the deeper you get to know and connect with yourself.  

Woman taking a bath to reconnect with herself

2. Redirect your inner critic

Being self-critical is often associated with depression and anxiety. Therefore, it's essential to overcome this to develop a healthy relationship with yourself and the world around you.

“We often hold ourselves back due to fear and self-doubt,” says Chan. “While negative thoughts may naturally arise, try to challenge them instead of letting them dictate how you feel and behave. For example, if you have a thought that you aren’t good enough, shift that to thinking how capable and worthy you are.”

Redirecting your inner critic takes a lot of practice, but it becomes more natural over time. Eventually, you’ll have more positive than negative thoughts about yourself, which will improve your self-love and respect.

3. Take aligned actions

When you don’t feel connected with yourself, you might do and say things you don’t align with. This can make it easy to lose yourself even more, so it’s important to start taking aligned actions.

Think about your self-reflections about what brings you joy and what you want in your life. Consider this throughout your daily life when making decisions.

Chan also suggests taking actions that might feel scary if it gets you closer to what you want from life. For example, you might start a passion project or set boundaries with a loved one.  

4. Be aware of your body

To reconnect with yourself, you must be able to connect to your body, says Janet Philbin, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, & Author of Show Up For Yourself: A Guide to Inner Awareness and Growth. When you become aware of your body, you can better understand and manage your physical, mental, and emotional state.

“Many people don’t pay attention to messages their body is giving them,” says Philbin. “There are many reasons for this – a common one being that in childhood, you learned to ignore your feelings. This can result in your body and mind creating a false story, leading to a disconnection from your authentic self.”

One of the best ways to be aware of your body is through gentle movements and mindfulness activities, such as yoga, stretching, dance, and body scans. During this time, focus on how your mind and body feel.

man stretching at a park

5. Embrace your emotions

As you become more aware of your body and feelings, try to embrace your emotions by acknowledging and accepting them as they are.

We often ignore how we feel or try to ignore negative emotions. However, honoring your emotions is one of the best ways to fully accept yourself, leading to a stronger connection.

Research also shows that accepting your emotions without judgment can improve your well-being because you're less likely to react to and worsen negative experiences. Over time, you may find that embracing your emotions reduces stress and anxiety.

6. Have self-compassion

Self-compassion is key to success when you're on a healing journey and working toward reconnecting with yourself. 

Having self-compassion means being kind to yourself, acknowledging your story, and forgiving yourself when needed, explains Philbin. This allows you to move through difficult experiences and heal any emotional wounds you may have.

Phibin suggests the following for practicing self-compassion:

  • Treat yourself as you would a loved one going through a similar situation

  • Give yourself the space and forgiveness to be imperfect

  • Journal positive thoughts about yourself

  • Be mindful of how you speak to yourself, choosing positive and kind self-talk

  • Take time to rest and practice self-care

7. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is the act of focusing on the present moment and often shows up when reconnecting with yourself. Not only does mindfulness allow you to fully notice your experiences, but it also helps improve your overall well-being for a happier and more fulfilling life.

There are many ways to practice mindfulness. It can be as simple as carefully paying attention when using skincare products or preparing and eating a meal.

Philbin also teaches a method known as The Purposeful Pause, which is a great way to practice mindfulness and reconnect with yourself. With The Purposeful Pause, you take an intentional moment for a thoughtful action such as catching your breath, gathering your thoughts, or meditating.

8. Journal

Philbin recommends the following steps for journaling to reconnect with yourself:

  1. Pay attention to your feelings and current experience(s)
  2. Take a purposeful pause
  3. Write what you notice and feel and how your pause impacted you
  4. You might also write about the story you have about your feeling(s)

When journaling, you can have a conversation with yourself as you write freely without judgment. This allows you to get to know yourself and your authentic experiences.

person journaling

9. Enjoy activities you love

A simple way to reconnect with yourself is to do something you love, just for fun, says Jen Pourvasei, Therapist for Anxiety, Depression, & Trauma at Soul Centered Therapists.

In your busy life, hobbies may often take a backseat to productivity. However, Pourvasei explains that doing activities you enjoy, like reading, painting, and listening to music, lets you tap into your creative side. 

You can also enjoy self-care practices, like spa days and spending time with loved ones, to unwind and find joy at the same time.

10. Spend time in nature

Research shows that spending time in nature increases a sense of purpose and belonging. It also improves mood and overall health.

Pourvasei agrees that spending time in nature is one of the best ways to reconnect with yourself. Being outdoors and away from the hustle helps calm your nervous system and clear your mind, making it easier to connect with your true self.

“Even just five minutes in nature can help you reconnect with yourself and calm your body and mind,” says Pourvasei. “A quick way to reconnect is putting your feet in a small patch of grass or standing outside and looking at the stars and moon for a few minutes.”

When you have more time, 30 minutes or more in nature can be even more beneficial, says Pourvasei.

11. Set boundaries

"Reconnecting with yourself requires tuning into your own inner voice and guidance," says Pourvasei. You may feel disconnected if you give all or most of your time and attention to other people and obligations. 

You can set boundaries by making rules for yourself on what lines to draw in order to prioritize time with yourself.

Examples of boundaries include:

  • Taking one lunch break per week for yourself
  • Stopping work in time for a 10-minute walk before you go home
  • Journaling before bed instead of watching TV
  • Saying no to a night out with friends for a self-care night in

How to Reconnect With Yourself: Conclusion

Reconnection requires time to get to know and love yourself and do activities you enjoy. This can take time and effort, but it’s worth the reward. We hope you found this article helpful and are excited to reconnect, experience personal growth, and work toward a more fulfilling life. 

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